Operate your one time classes like a Pro.

Our class management features make operating classes simple. Simply set a schedule, then watch registrations line up on rosters for each day.

One-Time Intro to Handbuilding 502 Dolores Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
class preview image
Class Scheduling

Set a schedule, any schedule

Our class scheduling features make planning weekly classes a breeze. Set a weekly recurring schedule, or use our advanced scheduling tool to set when batches of weekly classes get released.

Classly admin dashboard showing an edit course page where you can edit registration dates and roster settings
Pre-built sleek widgets for your website

Pre-built, embeddable widgets

Our Class widget can be easily integrated into your website, with a seamless and professional appearance. You can embed the widget on your website's landing page, course catalog, or any other relevant page.

A course widget that pottery studios can add to their website to show their available courses

Ready to get started?

Create and account and save hours of busywork every week at your studio.

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